Siem Reap Blood Donation Campaign on 15 – 16 June 2019

Blood Donation Banner The annual blood donation is back this year we will celebrate it on 15 – 16th June 2019 The venue still the same at Siem Reap Provincial hospital. To help to refill the blood bank of Siem Reap provincial hospital and Angkor Hospital for Children, Young Entrepreneur Association Cambodia, Siem Reap branch with other potential supporters will be celebrating this

Global Wellness Day 2019 in Siem Reap – One Day Can Change Your Whole Life!

Global Wellness Day, a day all about challenging yourself and changing the way you feel about your body. Wellness is every day but on 8th June is a special day that urges everyone to think about Wellness and how to live healthily. ចូលរួមទិវាសុខភាពពិភពលោក ជាមួយយើងខ្ញុំដោយមិនគិតថ្លៃចូលរួមដោយសេរី ជាមួយយើងខ្ញុំ ទិវាសុខភាពពិភពលោក ០៨​មិថុនាឆ្នាំ​២០១៩ ចាប់ពីម៉ោង ៥ព្រឹកដល់ ម៉ោង ៨យប់​។ Join us for the global wellness Day on 8th June 2019 from 5am to

By |2023-08-22T10:09:52+00:00June 5th, 2019|Categories: Event in Siem Reap, Happening in Siem Reap|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Global Wellness Day 2019 in Siem Reap – One Day Can Change Your Whole Life!

Romantic Couple Activities Recommend things to do in Siem Reap 2019

As a traveler, everyone dream to travel with their partner as a couple. So learn what you can make your trip excited is a point to start. Excited traveling will add more sweetness and build an unforgettable memory. Go to see the World Heritage Site There are a few main temples to see with your partner which one in a lifetime, Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta

By |2023-08-22T10:09:52+00:00June 2nd, 2019|Categories: Couple Romantic Activities in Siem Reap, Things to do in Siem Reap 2019|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Romantic Couple Activities Recommend things to do in Siem Reap 2019
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